Jason Flack

Jason Flack

An interview with illustrator & Tri-Cities arts advocate, Jason Flack

Q: Tell us a bit about who you are, where you grow up, and your background as a muralist and visual storyteller.

A: I grew-up on both sides of the tracks but one thing that was constant was my love for art. I got some attention locally speaking out about highlighting talent in our areaā€”since then, itā€™s been on ā€˜til the break of dawn.Ā 

Q: How has Appalachia inspired your work and what is your favorite part about living here?

A: I grew up literally disappearing into and exploring the woods. I think itā€™s important to for children to know nature. I didnā€™t think of it back then, but I was hiking and trialing and studying. My favorite part of living here will always be the flora and especially the fauna.Ā 

Q: What do you see as the most pivotal moment in your artistic journey that has shaped who you are as a creator today?

A: Two things. The exposure and love for comics and cartoons when I was a kid. The second thing, actually just happened in June 2023ā€“becoming a TEDx speaker in my hometown.

Q: What is a ā€œJason Flackā€ piece to you?Ā  What do you want others to glean when they view your work?

A: Great question. Hopefully, energy. And time well-spent. Iā€™d like for others when looking at art to just feel me. Just a love of living and creating.Ā 

Q: What do you hope to see grow in the Tri-Cities art culture in the next decade?

A: I donā€™t know what to expect in the next ten years, but people better recognize we artists are superheroes . By then, we will be living legends in local history books.Ā Ā 

Q: For your piece in FANFARE, you tribute Jean-Michel Basquiat; how has he impassioned you creatively? And what wisdom from him do you take with you as an artist?

A: When I was little, my family from Brooklyn brought down articles and art ā€œzinesā€. There was this sort sad-faced man with freeform dreads standing in front of paintings that blew me away! That man was Basquiat. It wasnā€™t just his work, but his words and how honest and vulnerable he seemed to be. He once said, ā€œIā€™ll cover-up a word (in his work) so that you can it.ā€ To me that is so simple, but so deep.

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