Devin Renshaw

Devin Renshaw

Q: Tell us a bit about who you are, where you grow up, and your background as a wood burner and illustrator..

A: Hi my name is Devin and I am a pyrographer, printmaker, and illustrator.  I consider myself a horror artist but I make so many different themes it doesn't always apply.  I grew up in Utah among the Rockies and the desert.  I moved out here to Appalachia in 2022.  I've made art for my entire life and always knew that I wanted to be an artist.  For as long as I remember I've held an interest in the weird and odd and tried to make that come out in my art.  I try my best to make what I want to see!

Q: Has moving to the Appalachian region inspired or changed the trajectory of your work in any way?

A: Definitely!  The first thought that comes to mind is the art communities that I've been welcomed into.  Being around other creatives and seeing such a variety of work has been very inspirational and helps me to keep making art.  Everyone is so nice here, but also, there's so much talent I can't help but try to push myself and do better as well!  It's so beautiful and lush here as well,  I've definitely incorporated more fauna and flora into my work since moving.

Q: Where did your love for wood burning originate and how has it evolved since you’ve started?

A: I started wood burning in 2020 after I had been gifted a wood burner by my partner.  I just started on some cheap wood and eventually dived into research and experimenting, which I'm still doing to a certain  degree.  Eventually, I upgraded to a better burner, which allowed me to add more fine detail.  I've just been slowly improving and trying to do more complex things over the years.  If you'd look at my art now vs 4 years ago it would probably still look like the same guy made it.  It's just cleaner now.

Q: When did you begin to focus on art as a career and what is your creative journey looking like in 2024 and beyond?

A: I started my career in late 2020 and I was surprised anyone wanted to pay me money for my work.  2024 I'm just trying to not be such a hermit and do more events.  As far as beyond goes I'd love to work on larger more intricate pieces and participate in more galleries.

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